TimeWalker® II NightLase®

Anti-Snoring Laser System

Fotona’s TimeWalker® II NightLase® platform has emerged as an indispensable ally of medical professionals seeking to address the symptoms of snoring. Snoring is one of the most common disruptors of a good night’s rest, affecting up to 30% to 50% of adults over the age of 50.

TimeWalker® II NightLase® is carefully designed and optimized to provide a clinically effective and minimally-invasive solution for reducing the intensity of snoring and related symptoms, such as daytime sleepiness, dry mouth and scratchy throat. By embracing this transformative technology, healthcare practices can expand their treatment repertoire and meet the growing demand for innovative, patient-friendly ways to alleviate snoring-related issues.

Offering a treatment approach that not only diminishes the symptoms of snoring but enhances the overall quality of a patient’s sleep, TimeWalker® II NightLase® is not just a laser device, it’s a strategic investment and an invaluable asset to every modern healthcare practice.

NightLase® Anti-Snoring Laser Treatment: a Minimally-Invasive Method for Improving Sleep Quality

The patented NightLase® procedure is a fast, minimally-invasive and patient-friendly laser treatment for snoring. It decreases the severity of snoring and increases the quality of sleep.

NightLase® is recommended if snoring is caused by vibration in the oropharynx. For patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), laser treatment can serve as additional supportive treatment that enhances the benefits of other prescribed OSA therapies.

Key Advantages of NightLase® Anti-Snoring Laser Treatment:

• Fast, safe, and effective
• Minimally invasive with no downtime
• Reduces the symptoms of snoring
• Increases the quality of a patient’s sleep
• Complements other obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and snoring treatments
• High success rate and patient satisfaction
• Effectiveness confirmed in randomized sham-controlled clinical trial
• Extremely easy for any doctor or dentist to perform

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Clinical Results

*Picavet VA, Dellian M, Gehrking E, Sauter A, Hasselbacher K. Treatment of snoring using a noninvasive Er:YAG laser with SMOOTH mode (NightLase): a randomized controlled trial. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2023 Jan;280(1):307-312.