Laser-Assisted Ceramic Debonding

Top quality aesthetics solutions for the smile you always wanted

  • Significantly less force needed for debonding
  • Reduced treatment time
  • Increased safety with reduced risk of fractures
  • Little to no thermal effect on the remaining tooth structures

What is laser-assisted debonding?

Laser-assisted debonding is the easiest and safest method for removing orthodontic brackets or veneers, using the unique properties of the Er:YAG wavelength and its optimized interaction with bonding material.

How does debonding work?

The properties of LightWalker’s Er:YAG wavelength allow for the transmittance of laser energy through veneer or orthodontic bracelets. Laser energy is in turn absorbed in the bonding material, which causes modification of its bonding strength, thus allowing for quick and painless removal with a significantly reduced risk of enamel fracture.

Why is the Er:YAG wavelength superior?

In the past debonding was performed with several different laser sources and wavelengths, including CO2, Nd:YAG, diode and now Er:YAG. Among this versatile group of wavelengths, Er:YAG has the highest absorption in water, which results in a minimal thermal effect and decreased heat conduction.

As bonding materials are high in water content, this results in optimized absorption of energy in this type of material, resulting in reduced adhesion by thermal softening and selective ablation, with a decreased thermal load on the surrounding tissue.

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