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Dra. María Fernanda Lucas

Calle 127A #7-53 consultorio 2004, 110121 Bogota, Colombia

+57 3143894430


TightSculpting® / M021-4AF/3 / SP Spectro

Fotona4D® / M021-4AF/3 / SP Spectro

LipLase® / M021-4AF/3 / SP Spectro

SmoothEye® / M021-4AF/3 / SP Spectro

Skin Resurfacing / M021-4AF/3 / SP Spectro

IncontiLase® / M021-4AF/3 / SP Spectro

IntimaLase® / M021-4AF/3 / SP Spectro

ProlapLase® / M021-4AF/3 / SP Spectro

RenovaLase® / M021-4AF/3 / SP Spectro

ComfortLase™ - Photobiomodulation and Pain Management / M021-4AF/3 / SP Spectro

Genitourinary Indications / M021-4AF/3 / SP Spectro

Gynecology Indications / M021-4AF/3 / SP Spectro

Gynecology Indications / M008-3T / StarFormer

Treatment of Wrinkles / M021-4AF/3 / SP Spectro

Benign Lesions / M021-4AF/3 / SP Spectro

Body Shaping / M008-3T / StarFormer

Urinary Incontinence / M008-3T / StarFormer

Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy / M008-3T / StarFormer

Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy / M008-3T / StarFormer

Other Pelvic Floor Disorders / M008-3T / StarFormer

Urology Indications / M008-3T / StarFormer