
Er:YAG SMOOTH mode Laser Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a common problem, affecting almost 50% of parous women to some degree. Before ProlapLase® there were only two solutions available: supporting pessaries and surgical methods, both of which have been associated with problems and high levels of adverse effects.

ProlapLase® is an innovative and unique non-invasive Er:YAG laser alternative for the treatment of POP. It utilizes the gentle, nonablative photothermal effects of Fotona’s SMOOTH mode to tighten the tissue and contract the vaginal canal. Preliminary clinical studies show that it is an efficient, easy-to-perform and safe procedure.

Promising clinical results

The latest scientific results presented by Dr. Urska Bizjak-Ogrinc and Dr. Sabina Sencar clearly show that Fotona’s novel thermal laser treatment is an effective and safe noninvasive option for the treatment of POP:

  • The average POP grade was significantly reduced already after the first session (Fig.1).
  • The POP continued to improve with further sessions (Fig. 2).
  • Treatment discomfort was very low (mean VAS score 0.4) and patient satisfaction high (median 4 on 1-5 scale).
  • There were no adverse events reported.

Abstracts of published scientific studies examining the effectiveness and safety of Fotona SMOOTH® laser therapy in gynecology can be found in the following Compendium of Clinical Studies.

For more information please visit the Fotona SMOOTH® website which is tailored for both patients and doctors.


How does ProlapLase® work?

The ProlapLase® treatment is based on precisely controlled laser-induced photothermal effects of Fotona's 2940 nm Er:YAG laser in mucosa tissue, stimulating collagen remodeling and the synthesis of new collagen fibers. The result of collagen neogenesis and remodeling is shrinkage and tightening of the vaginal canal without removal of any tissue.

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Clinical Results