
Stress Urinary Incontinence Laser Treatment

IncontiLase® is a patent-pending, non-invasive Er:YAG laser therapy for the treatment of mild and moderate stress urinary incontinence, based on non-ablative photothermal stimulation of collagen neogenesis, shrinking and tightening of vaginal mucosa tissue and collagen-rich endopelvic fascia, and subsequently greater support to the bladder.

The indications for IncontiLase therapy are mild and moderate stress- and mixed-urinary incontinence (SUI). Preliminary clinical studies show that it is an efficient, easy-to-perform and safe procedure.

Abstracts of published scientific studies examining the effectiveness and safety of Fotona SMOOTH® laser therapy in gynecology can be found in the following Compendium of Clinical Studies.

For more information please visit the Fotona SMOOTH® website which is tailored for both patients and doctors.


How does IncontiLase® work?

  • Fotona’s 2940 nm Er:YAG non-ablative laser with proprietary “Smooth-mode” technology thermally affects the vaginal tissue, stimulating collagen remodeling and the synthesis of new collagen fibers in the region of the vestibule and urethral orifice, as well as in the area along the anterior vaginal wall.
  • The final result of collagen neogenesis is the shrinking and tightening of vaginal mucosa tissue and collagen-rich endopelvic fascia and subsequently greater support to the bladder and the return of normal continence function.

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Clinical Results
