A Successful Opening of the LA&HA Institute

9 November 2016

On Monday, November 7th the Laser and Health Academy opened the doors to its new 500 m2 state-of-the-art laser research and training facility.

More than 120 invited guests attended the official opening of the LA&HA Institute, which was also featured on Slovenia’s main national television news program. Following the welcome address and opening ceremony, the afternoon program featured a lecture and live demo by Dr. Leonardo Marini on the TightSculpting® laser body sculpting & skin tightening procedure with Fotona’s TightSculpting® scanner package, as well as a lecture and live demo by Dr.  Marco Gambacciani on using the Fotona G-Runner automated handpiece for minimally invasive laser gynecology procedures. Both live treatments were broadcast in real time to the Institute’s main lecture room and other training areas for all attendees to observe.

On the following day, November 8th,, the  LA&HA Institute was already up and running at full speed with three parallel workshops organized in the fields of Gynecology, Dentistry, and Aesthetics & Dermatology.

In addition to its training functions, the new institute will play a key role in LA&HA’s mission to serve as a global platform for the exchange of scientific knowledge among peers and to promote evidence-based laser medicine and dentistry among practitioners and the general public.

The mission of the LA&HA Institute includes:

  • Regular research and education on new medical laser applications
  • Connecting and coordinating international LA&HA training centers
  • Conducting advanced workshops and seminars
  • Organizing meetings to exchange ideas and methodology in key treatment fields
  • Improving treatment standards and treatment efficacy/efficiency

For those who missed the Institute’s grand opening, you can see a brief tour of the new facility in the following video.

For further information about the LA&HA Institute, contact .