IMCAS World Congress 2018

1 February 2018 - 3 February 2018

Paris, France

Fotona will be exhibiting at the 2018 IMCAS World Congress in Paris.

Visit us at booth #35 (Level 2) to discover the latest innovation in Fotona’s aesthetic laser line, the ASP-powered StarWalker MaQX with dramatically improved Q-switched performance. Demonstrations of this unrivaled new technology will be taking place at the Fotona Training Village on Friday, February 2nd.

Fotona experts will also be on hand at the booth to answer all of your questions about our other products and applications, such as Fotona’s TightSculpting™ for simultaneous body sculpting & skin tightening, the Fotona4D® facial rejuvenation procedure, and our pioneering minimally invasive gynecology solutions

You can find out more about Fotona's technologies and applications at the following lectures, workshops and presentations:

Thursday, February 1st

Zdenko Vizintin
12:40 pm

Product Analysis:
Products & devices for hyperhidrosis

Friday, February 2nd

Fotona Training Village

9:00 - 5:00 pm: Room 364

Visit Fotona’s training village workshop for hands-on experience with the company’s latest high-performance aesthetic laser systems.


Lecture Presentations:

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Dr. Ana Maletic
9:00 am: Room 11
Nd:YAG laser for breast reduction and breast lift surgery

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Dr. Yegor Kolodchenko
9:24 am: Room 3
Treatment of onychomycosis using 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser - 5 years follow up experience

Fotona Live Demonstrations:

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12:20 am: ROOM 7
Dr. Adrian Gaspar: Fotona - SP Dynamis - Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser

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12:40 am: ROOM 7
Dr Ashraf M Badawi: Fotona - StarWalker® laser - Q-switched laser system

Fotona Evening Presentation:

7pm to 10 pm

Fotona is hosting an evening presentation and dinner buffet,
with Dr. Adrian Gaspar and Dr. Ashraf M. Badawi.

Saturday, February 3rd

Lecture Presentations:

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Dr. Adrian Gaspar
9:05 am: ROOM 6
3 years follow up of Erbium laser for SUI treatment

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Dr. Jorge Gaviria
9:20 am: ROOM 6
New trends about erbium-YAG laser in vulvovaginal rejuvenation

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Dr. Ashraf M Badawi
3:24 pm: ROOM 8
Facial skin tightening and lipolysis - Laser-assisted tightening

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Dr. Ernesto Delgado Cidranes
3:40 pm: ROOM - Courtyard
The new era in the treatment of pain in aesthetic medicine

 For more information about this year's IMCAS Congress, visit the official website.

We look forward to seeing you in Paris!

The Fotona Team